購物車 Shopping Cart
購物車 Shopping Cart (0)
Payment Method

1. Online payment by PayPal / Credit card for payment. 


Paypal / 信用卡 (  VISA卡、萬事達卡 ) 


Remarks :  Order is in HKD payment,only accept one time payment





2. Bank-In Deposit: Teller, ATM, Phone Banking, Online Banking

Account Name:SOL Enterprises (Hong Kong) Limited

Bank of East Asia: 015-162-104-018-106


轉數快 FPS ID: 169858305



WhatsApp : 9103 7323 或

email :  cs@solshop.com.hk 或

Fax : 3020 1582



* 請於3天內完成付款, 否則訂單自動取消.


* After bank transfer, to handle your order effectively, please provide your bank payment slip with order number and amount to:
2.1. Fax:3020 1582
2.2. Email:cs@solshop.com.hk
2.3. Whatsapp: 9103 7323


* Please complete the payment within 3 days, otherwise, your order will be cancelled automatically.





3. Purchase card payment (used by government depts in Hong Kong)

Hong Kong government departments can pay by government procurement card (Purchasing Card), no deposit required.
Clearing Bank: Citibank (Citibank) / HSBC.


